Monday, April 19, 2010

The tale of Christy and Lancy

Hello everyone!

A couple of us are stirring as it is 6:45 am on Tuesday. After Joyce got off the phone last night we did what we've done each time we have faced a challenge in our time here - we prayed. We prayed that God would show us favor and open the door for us to be able to come home much sooner than the airlines are telling us we can. We also prayed that God would continue to use us and teach us as we face this particular set back. We need you to help us by praying a similar prayer.

Yesterday, though filled with letdowns and disappointments regarding our travel home had one particular highlight that I want to mention. Tim and Colleen have two girls that work in the kitchen preparing the meals for us each day that we have been here. They are sweet young ladies, but for the longest time they were very bashful and it seemed almost afraid of us.

Yesterday, when I got back from going to the airlines office downtown, Anna was sitting at a kitchen bar stool with one of her legs extended over two other stools and Christy and Lancy were hovered over her. My immediate reaction was "What's wrong!" It looked like she had gotten hurt and they were tending to her wounds. Anna started laughing and said, "Nothing, I'm just teaching Christy and Lancy how to make bracelets!" The two girls also laughed and excitedly told me that they were happy that Anna had shown them how to make these bracelets because they could sell them and earn some more money to help them financially.

Later during our devotional time as a group, Anna mentioned that in her conversation with them while making bracelets, they told her that most groups simply ignore them and kind of take them for granted. They were so happy that our group was not only taking an interest in them, but trying to include them in the group wherever possible.

In fact, later on, after devotions, the girls talked Christy and Lancy into jumping on the trampoline with them. Nancy took pictures of these two girls laughing and having the time of their lives. Believe it or not, they had never been on the trampoline!

Relationships are a a big deal to God, and sometimes He puts people in our path who we can sometimes forget about or who blend into the background and we don't give much notice to them. Again, this is another lesson that God is teaching us - to always be looking for people into whose lives we can pour ours. Sometimes to do so just means listening to their story. Sometimes it means lending a helping hand, but regardless, God has put us all together because we really do need each other.

We need you too, and have been humbled that you are following our adventure so closely. Thank you for your prayers and your encouragement.

We love you!

P. Roy


  1. Lifting you all up and praising God for his provision. I pray that each day God gives you evidence of His purpose for being there one more day. We are praying for your safe return.

  2. Front page today:

    And Buffalo tv:
